
Friday, April 21, 2017

Green window cleaning tips

Many people are opting to clean green. While everyone needs to clean, there is no need to impact the environment to do so. Windows are one cleaning job that needs to be done on a regular basis. There is nothing that brightens a room up more than having clean windows. If you are trying to be green, you don’t want to use a lot of paper towels and store bought window cleaner to make those windows shine. Don’t worry, it is very easy to be green when it comes to washing your windows.

• Dust

Before you start to wash your windows, you need to dust the glass, the windowsills, and the frames. You can do it with a rag or your vacuum cleaner. Don’t skip this step to get the best results. If you don’t remove the dust before you start to wash the windows, you will end up removing it with the washing cloth which just spreads it around.

• Assemble your tools

Get out your tools. You will need a bucket, a rag or a sponge , a microfiber cloth or a stack of newspaper. You will also need warm water and white vinegar. You can use a squeegee if you have one as well and if the size of your windows makes it practical.

• Make the green window washing solution

Depending on your preference, you can use a bucket or a spray bottle. In a spray bottle combine 2 cups water, 1/4 cup white vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon dish liquid. If you are worried about getting it in the bottle use a funnel. If you are using a bucket, add 2 quarts of warm water, 1 cup of white vinegar and 2 teaspoons of dish liquid.

• Clean

Start from the highest point in the window and apply the solution to the window. Using a sponge or a rag make circles on the window and reach into all the corners. If the windows are very dirty you will need to do this for a while. Take some of the newspaper or the microfiber cloth and start by wiping one corner. When it is dry look at it, does it gleam? If not add more solution and re-clean the window. If it is shiny keep drying off the rest of the window.

If your windows are large enough, you can dry them with a squeegee.

• Give it the sunlight test

You are not done until you have seen the sun shining through your windows. There should be no streaks. If there are streaks you need to do another round of cleaning and drying and move in a more even pattern.

The next step is to go on to the other side of the window and repeat the process.

You can set aside one day, twice a year to do all the windows in your house or you can just do one room at a time whenever you have the time. Clean windows make your whole room look and smell cleaner and are an easy way to get the spring or fall cleaning started.

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