
Friday, June 21, 2019

Alleviate menstrual cramps

Many women suffer from very painful periods. Premenstrual cramps are the bane of women. Do you have to just grin and bear it? No, you do not; you can fight back with every weapon in your pretty substantial arsenal and alleviate menstrual cramps. There are pharmaceutical as well as natural remedies that have been shown to give relief from the pain of your monthly cycle.

PMS has been treated like a joke by comedians but for many women, it is not a joke. It is a debilitating pain that causes them to retreat to their beds in pain and frustration.

Premenstrual cramps are something that can be debilitating for some women, just annoying for others. Research has not determined a definitive cause for PMS but there are some theories being studied. It may be indicative of an underlying condition such as endometriosis, a hormone or vitamin deficiency. No matter what the cause, if you are a sufferer, you want relief.

Several drugs have been shown to be effective against premenstrual cramps. One good side effect of birth control pills is a lessening of premenstrual cramps, there are however other possible side effects that may not be so positive. Ibuprofen has been found to be effective in lessening the pain as have other NSAIDS.

Natural remedies can help with premenstrual cramps, the most common being heat. A warm heating pad applied to the affected area can provide comfort and temporary relief. Massage of the affected area has also been shown to provide relief especially when the pain is located in the back.

There are some yoga positions that are helpful as well, among them the bow and the cat pose. Another option is taking a leisurely bath with a combination of clary sage and lavender essential oils to help relieve some of your painful cramps.

There are changes that you can make to increase your chances lessening the severity of premenstrual cramps that you have. Increasing the amount of exercise you do may help as well as decreasing your intake of caffeine and alcohol. Having a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is important. Calcium is the only supplement that has shown promise in relieving premenstrual cramps.

That chocolate you are craving? There may be good reasons for that, chocolate contains magnesium and magnesium helps with cramping. Chocolate, it's a good thing.

While there is no cure for premenstrual cramping there are ways that you can fight back. It may take a little trial and error to find what works best for you but there is hope out there.

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