
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Easy summer landscaping tips

The first thing that people see when they pull up to your home is the landscaping. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Summer is the perfect time to get your landscaping into tip-top shape. Here are some easy landscaping tips that will get your yard looking terrific.


The lawn needs to be fertilized on a regular basis during its growing season and it is growing the fastest during the summer months. Like people, the grass and the plants need fuel to produce at the highest levels. Think of it as going to work without breakfast, not good for you and not good for your lawn, flowers and bushes. Not all plants need the same fertilizer so take your time choosing the one that is best. One for the lawn and one of the flowering plants is a good option. Read the package carefully, not all fertilizers are all-purpose.


In the summer, the heat can get extreme. If you are using your air conditioning every day, chances are your lawn and plants can use a watering as well. If you can afford it, a built-in system is a big help. If however, you don’t have a sprinkler system then you will need to do the watering yourself. You can use a hose for larger areas and a watering can for smaller plants and areas. It is better to water early in the morning or later in the evening but not when the sun is high in the middle of the day. Of course, if you notice your flowers wilting, by all means, give them a drink.


Lawns need to be mowed in the summer every seven to ten days. If the weather has been very hot, let it go on the longer side. Depending on the type of grass that your lawn is composed of, it may be burned by the heat especially if it is too short. You don’t want to allow grass to clump as this can lead to fungus. You want to cut it about one-third of the length of the blade. Nitrogen is an important element in the growth of the lawn and you want to allow the clipping to get it back into the soil.


While the lawn is the canvas, the plants are the art. Summer is the perfect season for a profusion of color. A wide variety of annuals can be added every year which allows you to get creative. It is also helpful to have perennials that you can count on.

Beginning your summer landscaping

Start with the larger bushes. Try to choose ones that don’t all bloom at the same time. You will want to have a continual floral show all summer. Bluebeard Shrub is a colorful late summer bloomer. The Butterfly Bush is a midsummer into fall bloomer and has the additional benefit of attracting butterflies. Hydrangea and oleanders are also great choices.

Once you have a plan for your garden, it is time to fill in with a variety of perennial and annual plants. Geraniums, impatiens, vinca, balloon plants, irises and lilies just to mention a few are all easy to grow and colorful. You will need to consider the amount of sunlight the plants will receive when making your choices. Fillers such as creeping myrtle and hostas are plants that will grow and grow and grow. You can choose to have beds, planters or a garden. Don’t forget the roses either.

Summer is the perfect time to let your landscaping creativity have full rein. Pick one color or go for the rainbow. Why not let the joys of landscaping make your house one that will get the neighbors talking for all the right reasons.

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