
Monday, January 9, 2017

Maintenance tips for snow blowers

If you live in a colder climate, chances are you will be pulling out your trusty snow blower after the snow flies. In order to guarantee that it's in working order when you need it, it's important that you do the required  maintenance.

Maintenance begins in the spring when you put your machine away for the season. It is important to either use up all the gasoline in the tank or drain it. If it remains in the snow blower over the summer, it will break down and cause problems when you try to start your snow blower in the winter. If you prefer to leave the gas in the tank, then you'll need to add stabilizer.

Lubrication of parts, filter replacement and tire pressure are additional maintenance considerations.

Oil is also important for your snow blower. Drain the old oil and replace it with fresh oil before trying to start it for the first time or in accordance with the equipment specifications. Each particular snow blower manual should provide tips about the weight of oil that is right for your machine. The manual should also give you additional maintenance tips that are tailored to your snow blower.

Like car engines, snow blowers have belts. The belts operate the wheels and the auger. They are also safety devices. If you hit something like a stick or rock that is pulled into the auger, the belt is positioned to break to avoid damage to the motor and potentially to you. There may also be a pin that can shear off the stray branch is pulled into the motor. 

When the belt breaks, the auger stops turning and you can't use the machine until you replace the belt. The concept is the same as with many upright vacuum cleaners. Having to stop mid job and go out and buy a belt is annoying, to say the least. Why not be proactive and have several belts on hand just in case you happen to be going through a bad streak?

At the end of the winter season, it's a good idea to clean the snow blower. It's probably accumulated a film of dirt, salt, and sand, and to avoid the possibility of rust developing it is good to maintain the body as well as the machinery. Get out the garden hose and give it a good cleaning and let it dry thoroughly before putting it away for the season.

A snow blower is a large investment of cash, and in order to get the most years of service, it's important to maintain your machine and to store it in a place where it is dry and free from dust and dirt. When you see the first flakes, you want to feel confident that your snow blower is ready to handle whatever you ask of it.

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