
Friday, January 20, 2017

Saving money on cleaning products

The current economy has made consumers take a good look at where their money is going. You want to be able to save money on everything you purchase in order to build up your nest egg. Is it possible to lower your house-cleaning costs? Yes, it is, here are a few tips to get you started.

Housekeeping products are a necessity but if it comes to milk or bleach, milk will win every time. How are you supposed to purchase the products you need and still stay on your budget? Coupons are one of the first things that come to mind. Check the weekly fliers for coupons to help lower the costs. If you don't find a coupon in the flyer, there are several websites where you can find additional coupons.

Many grocery stores double coupons, you need to do your research and find out when and where. Watch for your favorite products going on sale and try to combine your coupons and the sale for extra savings. You should also check the prices at the discount chain stores in your area, they usually accept coupons and are often less expensive than the grocery stores. You can stock up when your favorite items are on sale, it won't go to waste.

Don't always assume that bigger is cheaper. Check the per ounce price. It may come as a surprise that often the smaller sizes are a better buy.

Make your own spray bottles of cleaner. You can take your favorite cleaner and mix it with water in a spray bottle and you will save an amazing amount of money. You can use your old spray bottles or buy new ones at the discount store, just be sure to label what is in each bottle. For window cleaner, you can mix white vinegar with water or ammonia and water both of which work very well.

Store brands are always an option. Check the packaging to make sure they contain the same ingredients. Tide is one product that you may want to buy even though it is a brand name. It has the ability to remove most stains and that can result in big savings on clothes that don't have to be thrown away. Make your detergent go farther by using only half the amount recommended on the package. It works just as well as using the full amount and lasts twice as long. This tip came from a Maytag repair man.

Use the same philosophy for dryer sheets, cut them into four pieces and it gives plenty of softness and no static cling. When it comes to dryer sheets, always use the cheapest generic brand you can find.

Use an in the tank constant toilet cleaner. This means that all you have to do is brush the bowl several times a week and never need to add anything to it. A quick wipe with a cleaning cloth takes care of anything that is not inside the bowl. The cost is only pennies per week.

Bleach is one of the least expensive cleaners and it can be used in a multitude of different ways. Mixed with water it is a great cleaner. You can use it to disinfect your kitchen sinks and drains weekly. A $2.00 bottle goes a long way and they now have bleach with citrus and floral scents that are a lot less harsh on the senses.

Using half the recommend amount of cleaner also works well in the dishwasher. It is the steam and the heat that is cleaning the dishes, not the detergent. Give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised. This is another area where you should always use coupons and shop at the discount chains especially when they have a sale.

You don't have to settle for less to save money, you just have to shop smart and be a bargain hunter. A few simple cost-cutting steps can make a big difference in the savings over the period of a year.

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