
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tips for keeping your home neat and clean

Keeping your house clean is a never ending battle, mostly against clutter. In order to win the not only the battle but the war there are a few tips that everyone can follow easily.


The biggest tip for keeping your house clean is to get and stay organized. Everything needs to have a place and you need to put the item there when you are finished with it. Storage containers of all sorts are a big help in this endeavor, attractive ones are even better. Buy some pretty boxes and hide the clutter that you can’t bear to get rid of.

Put it away

Make it a rule in your home, if you take it out, put it back. Don’t leave things hanging around. When you come into the house outerwear and shoes need to have a home near the door where they can be placed. Taking all shoes off at the door eliminates a great deal of the dirt that gets tracked in. This is especially true with children since they come in the door laden with backpacks, lunch boxes and all matter of junk not to mention mud.

Keep things where they belong

Don’t bring anything into the living areas of the house that doesn’t need to be there. Train the kids to bring their lunch boxes to the kitchen and homework to the designated area. Have a waste basket near the gathering area so that any pass-outs from school that is not relevant can be disposed of before they litter the counters. If it’s important then use magnets to hang it on the fridge or better yet have a bulletin board to hang current notices and a calendar. Once you have the clutter under control it is a lot easier to deal with the real dirt.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Develop the philosophy don’t sweat the small stuff and that applies to housekeeping as well. If your kids wanted to throw their clothes on the floor, just closed their door. Mind you this should only allow this during the week. On Saturday they should be responsible for cleaning their room and getting their clothes into the laundry. You provide a hamper in each bedroom and if their clothes are in them, they get washed, if not oh well. It doesn’t take them very long to learn that sloppiness has consequences.

Stay on top of things

The best way to keep your kitchen clean and well organized is to never let it get dirty and disorganized. This means following the take it out put it back philosophy religiously especially when you are cooking. It is very easy to allow all the ingredients to clutter up the counter and once the mess starts, it seems to multiply. While your meal is in the oven or on top of the stove wipe down the counters and if it needs it, sweep or vacuum the floor. This is also the time for a quick wet mopping of the floor.

Deal with your mail as soon as it comes into the house. Keep the important items, trash the junk mail and place magazines and catalogs that you want to look at in a convenient location outside of the kitchen.

Bathrooms are the other big cleaning area. Don’t let the dirt and grime accumulate. Soap scum especially is much harder to get off if it has been sitting for a couple of days. After the last morning shower is done make a quick sweep through and place towels in the hamper or if you reuse then hang them so that they will be dry for the next day. Wipe down the sink quickly and spray the shower. This is where it is important to have your cleaning tools right where you need them. I keep a complete set in each bathroom and on each level of the house.

You don’t need to spend a lot of time every day on housekeeping. A few minutes here and there really adds up. Major cleaning only needs to take place weekly or monthly depending on your home situation. Keep a Swiffer duster always available. If you see dust I, make a quick sweep through that room.

Stop it before it comes in

If you don’t already have door mats outside your doors, add them. Get everyone to wipe their shoes or even better remove them before entering. Keep the dirt outside not in on your clean floors. This will cut down on the amount of time you spend sweeping and vacuuming.

Have a schedule

Daily: clean the dishes, wipe down counter, keep clutter under control, and tidy the bathroom.

Weekly: vacuum, dust, wipe down floors, do laundry, change beds and spot clean any major messes. Clean one shelf in the fridge.

Monthly: Tackle one room per month and do a top to bottom cleaning. This is the time to dust the window sills and door jams. Vacuum under the bed and while you are at it flip the mattress if you have the kind that needs it.

Every 6 months: do windows, steam clean the carpets, get the closets organized and get rid of any seasonal clothing that you don’t wear anymore.

There really isn’t any mystery to having a clean, neat and organized house; it just takes a lot of work and determination. The smarter you work the more time you will have to do the things you really want to do.

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