
Monday, March 13, 2017

Build a patio with concrete pavers

Outdoor tiles come in a variety of styles and textures. This allows you to build a patio with concrete pavers that is as unique and individual as your indoor flooring. If you think that you are going to have a concrete looking patio, think again. You can get pavers that look like real stone, have patterns and are impressed designs, all available in a variety of colors.

The first step is to measure the area you want to pave and determine how many pavers you will need. Take the length and the width and multiply to get the square footage. If you decide not to have a square patio or to have one with curved edges you need to add an extra 10 percent to the measurements to allow for those edges.

Pavers come in a variety of sizes as well so if the style that you pick is 12 by 12 you will have an easy time figuring out how many you need. If not it won’t be so easy. Pavers should be interlocking so installation is quite easy, think of this as a weekend project.

Building a patio is similar to laying tile indoors. The basic principles are similar. You will need to prepare the ground before you can put the pavers in. Most of the work in your project will be in the preparation. You want your patio to be secure, level and with good drainage. These are all issues that are addressed as you are getting your patio ready for its transformation.

You have to determine how much of a base you want under your pavers. The weather in your area will be a determining factor in how deep you go. For most areas a four-inch base is adequate. Crushed stone is the ideal base; it is what is used on most roads. You need to determine at what height you want your patio to be.

Figure in the height of the paved and add four inches to that. This is how deep your foundation needs to be. Placing a two by four along the edge and running a plum line will help keep the depth consistent.

The base has to be laid down in layers, then wet and compact the layers. You may have to rent a compactor if you don’t own one. Once the base is set you have to secure it so that it won’t wash away, you will want to have edge restraints. The final layer before the pavers is sand and then you are ready to make your design.

This is your chance to go crazy, be creative. Once you have done all the hard work you might as well have the fun of creating something that will make all your friends envious. You will need to have a cutter to trim any tiles that don’t fit perfectly. Just start laying them down and making sure they interlock tightly.

Use your compactor to press the pavers into the base and then use sand as you would use grout indoors to fill in any spaces between the pavers. Sweep it all over your new patio until there are no gaps.

The only thing left to do now is to bring out your new patio furniture, invite over some friends and throw a party. You should be good for more than twenty years, choosing concrete pavers for your patio will turn out to be a very wise choice.

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