
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tools you need for spring cleaning

Spring cleaning involves a lot of work. Making spring cleaning easier with the right tools needs to be high on your list. All it takes is a few basics and soon your home will be just as sparkling and clean as you could want. 


A broom is a simple tool but it will be a big help. It can be used indoors or out but let’s start indoors. Begin by wrapping the head of the broom in a pillow case. You are going to be looking up for this part of the cleaning. Grab your trusty broom, pick a room and clean the corners of the room where the ceiling meets the walls. Go along all the edges and get rid of any dust and cobwebs.

Head outdoors and clean off the sidewalk, driveway, patio, and /or deck. Most of us have a few leftover fall leaves and debris that need to be cleared away. 

Vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner will be the workhorse of your spring cleaning. A canister is a good choice for this particular job but if you have an upright, it needs to include a hose. Remove the head from the hose and start vacuuming along the lower edges of the room. Any dust or cobwebs that were knocked down in the cleaning with the broom will be removed with the vacuum. It is time to move your furniture away from the walls and clean underneath. If it is carpet vacuum, if it is tile, wood, or another smooth surface, use the broom to sweep everything into the center of the room and then vacuum.

You can also use the vacuum to clean mattresses and box springs, inside closets, under the cushions of couches and chairs and anywhere you usually skip with regular cleanings.

Washing machine

This is probably not one of the tools you considered but when you do spring cleaning, you will want to launder drapes, bedding and anything else that is washable. If you are cleaning a closet you may also wash some clothing before storing it away until next year. Throw rugs can also be thrown into the washer for a quick freshening up. 

Carpet cleaner

Spring is the perfect time to clean your carpets if you have them. Rent a steam cleaner. If you own a machine, use it to get the carpets back to like-new condition. Look for any heavily soiled areas or stains and pre-treat those areas.  


The final tool that you need is a squeegee. Nothing makes your house look cleaner than sparkling windows and mirrors. Get your bucket of water or spray bottle of cleaner and some rags or paper towels and get going. Spray the window, wipe any spots with your rag and then use the squeegee to dry the window wiping the excess water with a rag.

With these five tools, you should be able to give your house a thorough spring cleaning quite easily. The list, of course, is flexible and you may have other tools that you prefer. The important thing is that your house is clean and you are set until fall.