
Friday, September 21, 2018

Natural ways to help your digestion

Most people don’t think much about their digestive system until it is not working correctly. By then it is often too late. The best course of action is to try to keep your digestive system healthy and happy. There are many ways that you can boost your digestive system naturally. Here are a few tips that can help you to keep things moving the way that they should.


The key to giving your digestive system a boost is to eat well, including plenty of fiber and good fats, exercise moderately to keep your muscles strong so that they are in condition to help the food move through your body and avoiding harmful things such as smoking and lots of junk food. There are a few additional items that can really go a long way toward boosting your digestive system.


Enzymes are an important part of the entire digestive system. Some of the enzymes that are used in digestion are produced by the bacteria in the bowel. Humans do not produce the enzymes that break down much of the fiber in vegetables and fruit. In order to get the maximum nutritional value from the things you eat, you need to have the correct enzymes. 

Enzymes are present from the beginning to the end of the digestive process starting with the saliva in your mouth which works on carbohydrates.

Stomach acid works mostly on proteins. Some foods you eat can help the process. Since protein stimulates the production of stomach acid, try to have some protein with every meal. Chew food well and drink enough when you are eating. These all help digestion go smoothly. 

Adding sauerkraut to your diet can help to boost the digestive system. It should be unpasteurized so that all the bacteria have not been killed. This is a simple and good tasting way to help yourself to enjoy better health. Many enzymes which occurred naturally in food are destroyed through the cooking process. By adding more fiber-rich foods and eating them in the natural state, you boost your digestive system immensely.


Bacteria is present in the digestive system. These are called friendly bacteria and according to Kathryn Senior Ph.D., they are mostly located in the lower digestive system due to the presence of stomach acid, which is quite strong, in the upper digestive areas. The bacteria in the bowel is believed to create a coating on itself to protect it from the enzymes in the bowl. This way they are not flushed out with the rest of the waste.

A disruption in this bacteria can lead to issue with digestion. This has led to a whole new sales pitch for manufacturers of yogurt. Yogurt can be used as a way to get these friendly bacteria back into your system. It is important however that you check the label of the yogurt to make sure that it has live culture. Adding one yogurt to your daily routine may just be the answer you are looking for. It is an easy and delicious way to add safe bacteria to your digestive system.

You can go to a natural food store and get bacteria and the enzymes in the form of pills or drinks but if at all possible, stay with the really natural approach and just add the foods to your diet. Most enzymes in the human body are produced by the pancreas and the liver, as we get older the production can slow down and you need to give it a little boost. There are digestive enzymes that you can buy and eat with all of your meals.

Some foods and spices are natural boosters of your entire system. Cayenne is one of them, try adding a little cayenne pepper to your diet and see if you notice the increased comfort in your digestion.

Honey is nature’s little powerhouse. It is healthy for your body for many reasons but it is also a great aid in the digestive system especially if it is combined with things like milk or cinnamon. Ginger is also great combined with honey due to its natural calming effects on the digestive system.

In summary, yogurt, combined with honey and cinnamon or ginger is a superfood. Add a fermented dish such as sauerkraut or kimchi to your diet as well and then drink lots of water, chew your food well and enjoy the benefits of a happy digestive system. These are all natural ways to boost your digestive system.

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