
Monday, October 31, 2016

Making time for cleaning in a busy life

Whether you are a mother with young or even older children or a grandmother who works full time, many people find that with their full lives, having time for housework is elusive. It is a matter of priorities. If it comes down to spending quality time with someone or washing the kitchen floor, the quality time wins out most of the time.

It isn't easy making time for cleaning in a busy life. When trying to make more time to clean, here are a few tips to help find a few minutes to add to your cleaning routine.

Get up earlier or go to bed later

It sounds obvious but if you set the alarm for 15 minutes or half hour earlier than normal, you will have extra time to yourself that you can turn into time to do that extra housework that always seems to allude you. The same holds true in the evening when everything is quiet, while vacuuming may not be the best thing to do, there are many chores like emptying the dishwasher or throwing in a load of laundry that you can get a jump on.


These days, multitasking is a way of life for many people. The philosophy that works at the office, works at home. When you are taking a shower, bring the cleaner in with you and give it a wipe down at the same time. Combine your daily exercise routine with the housework, deep knee bends while folding laundry, or loading the dishwasher, you get the idea it can work with many tasks.

Have a schedule

Having a schedule makes for greater efficiency. Greater efficiency means more work in less time or more work in the same amount of time. By knowing what you have to do in addition in addition to the amount of time you have allocated for that task, you can make an educated guess about ways to add time to the schedule.

Be prepared

Once you have a schedule, being prepared with the necessary equipment or supplies saves you a lot of time. Having to look for your mop or furniture polish is a waste of time. Have a designated place for all your equipment and supplies and be sure that after each use, you bring it back to tip top condition. Nothing is worse than being ready to vacuum and finding out that your bag is full or the dirt holder wasn’t emptied on the bag-less model.

Use TV time wisely

There is a lot of extra time involved in watching TV. During the commercials, you can pop up and load and unload the washing machine, run a dust cloth around the room, strip and remake a bed, or if it isn’t late at night, run the vacuum. When you think about how many commercials there are during any show or movie that you are watching, you will see that you may be able to find more than 10 to 20 minutes in an hour.

According to Marketing Charts, the average show is 36 percent  commercial. While actually watching TV, you can fold laundry, do mending, or do pick-up and cleaning in the room where the TV actually is.

Today’s lives are filled with activities. Trying to find time to add to your cleaning routine doesn’t have to mean giving up any of your favorite activities. With a little adjustment and using some of these tips, you should be able to get more work done and still have time for all the important things that you prefer to do.

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