
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Quick and Easy Fall Yard Clean Up Tips

As the year starts to wind down, it is time to start fall cleanup in your yard. How much work will be required is determined to a large extent by where you live, the size of your yard and the amount of landscaping you have. Here are a few tips to make the fall yard clean up as easy as possible.

The obvious way to make fall clean up easy is to hire someone to do it for you. In these tough economic times, there are many people looking for work. If you can afford to do it, you can sit back and feel good about giving someone a job while having your fall yard clean up done for you.

If this is not possible then it is time to recruit the entire family. Designate a weekend as fall yard cleanup and make it a fun time. Have plenty of gloves, rakes, a leaf blower, a wheelbarrow and leaf bags. Give out assignments; this is the best way to be efficient. Allowing children or teens to decide what they would like to do is most likely not going to result in much work getting done. Have realistic expectations and offer a reward for assignments completed.

Begin by doing an inventory of the yard. Are there items that need to be stored away for the coming winter? These items need to be moved to the basement, a shed or garage. Be sure to remove any water and to remove any dirt before storing away.

Look for dead annuals, it is time to get them out of the ground and throw the remains away. Any perennials can be cut back and prepared for the hibernation that takes place over the winter. Look for broken or damaged limbs and remove, better to take them down now than to have them fall over the winter. This is the time for pruning as well if you have roses in your yard.

The biggest task that must be dealt with in the yard every fall is the leaves that fall from the trees. While this shedding of leaves does not happen everywhere, it happens in enough areas to be something that is dreaded.

Several ways come to mind to attack this task, which is the easier is debatable. Leaves do not fall all at once, they trickle down a few at a time until there is some sort of major rain or wind storm. Some people prefer to rake and bag the leaves as they fall and others prefer to wait until the inevitable storm when all the leaves will finally come down to deal with the issue.

The main thing that is important is to rake or blow the leaves when they are dry. This makes them much lighter and easier to deal with. Wet leaves stick to the ground, bushes, and to tree trunks making their removal difficult.

Fall yard cleanup is something that anyone with a yard has to deal with. It doesn’t have to be a hard job if you follow these few tips for getting the job done.

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